Book Cupidity came up with this fun idea. Instructions are as follows:





Let's list favorite old (or older) movies. the list can be long or short, with a narrative or no, anything goes. The perimeters is that it has to have been made prior to 1980, I sort of arbitrarily picked this number, and sort of didn't -- for the young whippersnappers, Star Wars is the equivalent to some of our black and white favs. Plus, I think cinema in the 80's had a different feel.


So, tell me some of your favorites! Maybe we will discover new great flicks and new friends. Let's tag the post so that we can search it over the weekend - "Fav old movies'. I will also use the tag 'BL Round Robin"


And here is my list (at least what I could come up with):


Support your local Sheriff! - with James Garner.




Rebecca - with Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine and the unforgettable Judith Anderson as Mrs. Danvers.


Judith Anderson as Mrs Danvers in Hitchcock's screen adaptation of Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier.



Midnight Lace - with Doris Day and Rex Harrison



Rio Bravo


Rio Bravo (1959)  (Source:



Some Like It Hot - with Marylin Monroe, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon



Alien - with Sigourney Weaver. Right at the edge of the 80s, but it´s a marvelous movie.
