Thanks to the change of rules by Moonlight Reader, I can try my luck again today. This is very helpful. Thank you again, MR.

Starting off from square 23, this brings me to:

I have to spin the wheel decide:

Okay, there are three mystery-thrillers on my e-reader I´m interested in:
I´ve read the first chapter / couple of pages for each book:
The Family Upstairs: This book starts off with a 25-year-old woman, who doesn´t have a whole lot of money but who secretly is yearning for luxury and bright and shiny things. Thankfully, she gets a house out of a trustee fond in the best part of New York, so her money issues has been tackled succesfully already. I guess she gets more than she has bargained for with this house, though.
Am I going to read this book? I don´t think I can stomach this womans priorities in life right now. So that´s a no.
Lock Every Door: This book starts off with a 25-year-old woman, who wakes up in a hospital, because she has been hit by a car. Apparently, she desperately tried to get out of a house and when she succeeded, she got hit by that car. Tough luck, I would say.
Am I going to read this book? Yes, maybe. I´ve only read two pages of this book and I´m already intrigued by the mystery surrounding this building.
The Turn of the Key: This book starts of with a 27-year-old woman, writing a letter to a solicitor. She claims that she has been wrongfully accused of a crime, which she hasn´t committed.
Am I going to read this book? Yes, maybe. The fact that this book is set in Scotland is a huge plus and that this is supposed to be a The Turn of the Screw works in its favor as well.
So, it all boils down to the question, whether or not I´m in the mood for child protagonists at the moment ...
And I think I am. My pick for this round is:
Pagecount ebook: 352 pages

Bank balance - 31.05.2020: $ 23.00