The Silkworm - Robert Galbraith

It took me only 3 days to finish this book with its 600 pages, so the term "compulsive reading" surely applies to The Silkworm (or The Cuckoo´s Calling for that matter). Unfortunately the Cormoran Stike novels never manage to be more than an enjoyable read for me with some flaws.


The biggest problem I have with the series is that J.K. Rowling heavily relies on Deus Ex Machina moments. Strike has to solve a mysterious death and he doesn´t have an awful lot to work with (there isn´t any incriminating evidence at the murder scene). There are a lot of suspects, everyone could be the murderer and the only thing Strike does throughout the novel is to interrogate the suspects. And then, towards the end, this is happening:


All of a sudden Strike has a revelation, he remembers something he has heard in a conversation or read in magazine, and suddenly he just knows who the murderer is. Not in a million years could I come up with such a farfetched solution to the case, but Strike just pulls it of.

(show spoiler)


Another thing I haven´t been particularly fond of in this book is the relationship between Strike, Robin and her fiance Matthew (I could perfectly do without all the jealousy). I would prefer a platonic friendship between Strike and Robin and that they just team up in a professional manner. I just can´t stand unnecessary relationsship drama.


Despite its flaws I´m looking forward to the next installment in the series. The Cormoran Strike novels are my guilty pleasure reads.