The Thin Man - Dashiell Hammett

My side felt a lot better when Nora called me at noon the next day. "My nice policeman wants to see you," she said. "How do you feel?"

"Terrible. I must´ve gone to bed sober." I pushed Asta out of the way and got up.


I bet the first thing Nick does is to fetch himself a drink. The amount of alcohol that gets consumed in this book is insane. I´m getting drunk just reading about it.


Other than that Nick is a complete douche:


I hit Nora with my left hand, knocking her down across the room.


In his defense, he wants to get Nora away from the gunslinging thug, but still, hitting a woman full force doesn´t sit well with me. I loved Nora´s reaction, though:


"You damned fool," she said, "you didn´t have to knock me cold. I knew you´d take him, but I wanted to see it."


And Nick behaves like a creep while undressing Dorothy:


I carried her into the bedroom and helped Nora undress her. She had a beautiful little body.  

