Tasks for Guy Fawkes Night: Post pictures of past or present bonfires, fireworks (IF THEY’RE LEGAL) or sparklers. Or: Host a traditional English tea party, or make yourself a nice cup of tea and settle down with a good book to read. Which kind of tea is your favorite? Tell us why.


At my parents house this was waiting for me:



My aunt bought this in a Danish supermarket, one for me and one for my parents. Every door has two teaebags in it. And I couldn´t resist, I had to make myself some tea:



It´s "Pink Peace" in the mug, which is a Chamomile, Beetroot and Dandelion blend. And it is a delicious tea. Earlier in the day I tried the companies Christmas tea "White as snow", which is a blend of white tea, Cinnamon and Apple. And I really liked that one as well. Later in the evening I´m going to make myself a "Tummy Love", a blend of Ginger, Tumeric and Cardamom.


My favorite tea: I like Roiboos tea and everything fruity, as long as they aren´t too overly sweet. I´m not a big fan of black tea (except Englisch Breakfast, which is delicious) and Earl Grey is the worst thing ever.


One more reason to look forward to the next 20 days.