This Rough Magic - Mary Stewart

I´m not sure why I like Mary Stewart´s books as much as I do, but it must have something to do with the way I feel when reading one of her books:




Yes, she´s taking the reader on an adventure. And I don´t care how formulaic, unrealistic and farfetched her stories are and I can´t even get bothered by the mandatory romance in her books. The gorgeous descriptions of the landscapes and countries her books are set in, are alone worth the effort to read her books.


So, what does This Rough Magic bring to the table: The wonderful setting of Corfu, Greeks with iconic names, quoting of Shakespeare´s The Tempest (even though the play hasn´t any significance for the overall plot), an unconvincing romance (Lucy fell in love within a blink of the eye), an (almost) “over the top” bad guy and an action-packed finale.


This book feels like vacation put in between book covers and I guess her other books will give me the same feeling. And because of this I will happily return to Mary Stewart´s books in the future.


Book themes for Dies Natalis Solis Invicti: Celebrate the sun and read a book that has a beach or seaside setting. –OR– a book set during summertime. –OR– set in the Southern Hemisphere.