A couple of days ago I received Love Insurance in my Willoughby book club subscription box. I was instantly intrigued by this book: the cover, the blurb and the pitch that says “P.G. Wodehouse meets Oscar Wilde meets The Great Gatsby […]” screamed “READ ME, NOW!” at me, so I had to pick it up immediately. And I´m so glad that I did it.
Impoverished Lord Harrowby takes an insurance out against his bride to be, wealthy American socialite Cynthia Meyrick. Should she decide to cancel the wedding, Lord Harrowby is to become a wealthy man. Insurance employee Dick Minot gets send out to ensure that the wedding takes place … and stumbles into a whole lot of complications and weird situations.
I stand by my statement that this book feels like a screwball comedy. Just think of the movie Some Like It Hot and the feeling it gives you when you follow the characters of Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon, trying to maneuver through the mess that they have gotten in to. The moment you desperately wish that everything may turn out right, even though everything spirals out of control and it feels like there is no way out of it.
Reading Love Insurance invoked the same feelings in me and on top of it all it was an incredibly fun read. I caught myself chuckling at passages, a thing I hardly never do while reading a book. The people from the Willoughby book club certainly has send a gem to me with this book and since I enjoyed Earl Derr Biggers writing style, I´m planning to try out his Charlie Chan mystery books.
Highly recommended for everyone who seek a light, fun and charming read with a lot of crazy situations.