The Thirteenth Tale - Diane Setterfield

It´s about time that I´m starting this book, because my due date at the library is slowly approaching. 


The Thirteenth Tale has been on my "Want-to-read" list for ages and I hope that I´m going to like it. So far the main character, Margaret, strikes me as an odd character, despite her being a committed book addict: 


It was nearly time. I moved swiftly. In the bathroom I soaped my face and brushed my teeth. By three minutes to eight I was in my nightdress and slippers waiting for the kettle to boil. Quickly, quickly. A minute to eight. My hot water bottle was ready, and I filled a glass with water from the tap. Time was of the essence. For at eight o'clock the world came to an end. It was reading time.


Love that passage.