My Family and Other Animals - Gerald Durrell

"Ah, Spiro!" they would say, and smile at him affectionally as though he were a naughty but loveable child. They respected his honesty and his belligerence, and above all the adored his typical Greek scorn and fearlessness, when dealing with any form of governmental red tape.


As he demonstrates when a custom official holds back cases of Mrs. Durrells and the customs official points out that this is his duty to do so:


"I know you, Christaki, sos donts you go talkings about dutys to me. I remembers when you was fined twelve thousand drachmas for dynamitings fish. I won´t have any criminal talkings to me about dutys."

We rode back from the customs in triumph, all our luggage intact and unexamined.

"thems bastards thinks they owns the islands," was Spiro´s comment. He seemed quite unaware of the fact that he was acting as though he did.


This is fun and the characters seem to be quirky in a non annoying way. At least I´m not annoyed by them.