A Discovery of Witches  - Deborah Harkness

I know, I didn´t make much of a progress over the last couple of days in this book. Tbh, I didn´t read anything at all. But while I was sitting at the doctors, I was reading a bit in this book and it turns out that Deborah Harkness is one of the authors, who really wants to share too much infromation:


Carrying my snack back in the sitting room, I kicked off my shoes and turned on the small stereo. The pure tones of Mozart filled the air. When I sat on one of the maroon upholstered sofas, it was with the intention to rest for a few moments, then take a bath and go over my notes from the day. 

At half past three in the morning, I woke with a pounding heart, a stiff neck, and the strong taste of cloves in my mouth.

I got a fresh glass of water and closed the kitchen window. It was chilly, and I shivered at the touch of the damp air.

After a glance at my watch and some quick calculations, I decided to call home. It was only ten-thirty there, and Sarah and Em were as nocturnal as bats. Slippin around the rooms, I turned off all the lights except the one in my bedroom and picked up my mobile. I was out of my grimy clothes in a manner of minute - how do you get so filthy in a library? - and into a pair of old yoga and a black sweater with a stretched-out neck. They were more comfortable than any pyjamas.


Seriously, if you hear someone snore from the general direction of Northern Germany, that is me you are hearing. I almost fell asleep just writing this boring drivel. And it´s not a one-time thing, Harkness does this constantly. So I guess this is one of these 600 pages books, where you only have to read about 100 pages to get the general gist of it. The problem is where to find these 100 pages in a sea of blah-blah-blah. 


I´m going to stick with the tv show. Next!