Die Känguru-Chroniken: Live und ungekürzt: 4 CDs von Kling. Marc-Uwe (2012) Audio CD - Marc-Uwe Kling

I just watched the final episode of Game of Thrones and I´m so glad that it´s over. Not only because I now can spend all my time on reading books, but because the last season of GOT, in my opinion, was incredibly bad.


Anyhow, I cannot wait to get started with Booklikesopoly. I didn´t have time to catch up on all the rules yet (last week has been incredibly busy), so I will do that today. But here is my first die roll:



Which lands me on square 6:



6. Read a book set in your home town, state, or country or that you checked out of your local library or that has been on your (physical) bookshelves since last summer.


I decided to stick with a German audiobook for this one (set in Berlin) and from what I have heard, it is better to listen to Marc-Uwe Klings books than to read them in physical form (at least with the Känguru-books). I might pick up the physical copy as well from my local library later in the day. 


Page count (physical copy): 271 pages = $3.00 


Current Bank Account: $20.00