Signal to Noise - Silvia Moreno-Garcia

I admit it: I´m 38 years old and I freaking loved this novel. I loved the sense of pure nostalgia that this book conveyed and I particularly loved that the teenagers act like actual teenagers, which made this such a relatable read. 


And in the end I even liked 35 year Meche, whose behaviour at the beginning of the novel is exactly like her behaviour twenty years before. I was thinking about my own encounters with people, who I have been to school with. And tbh, whenever I met one of them, I act exactly the same way nowadays like I did twenty years ago. In this sense Meche and I are very much alike and even though she is a rather unsympathetic character most of the time, I really liked her in the end.


This was an adorable YA novel, which can be read by both young and old and not being the biggest fan of YA and coming of age stories myself, I´m so glad I read it.


Page count: 272 pages = $ 3.00