... and I‘m a little bit drunk, tbh. We four ladies, two Americans, one Scottisch lady and myself, had a lovely time with a lot of laughs and a lot of Gin and its history, as you might tell of this photo:



Look at all these glasses. Anyway, each of us had our own little destillery:




And I got my own Gin: 



That name is just too good. Thanks, Tigus. Even our tour guide, Phillip, commented that this is a great name for all the book-loving, gin-drinking folks out there. And in the end, as if we hadn‘t already enough booze in the middle of the day, we were allowed to drink a Gin and Tonic with our self-made Gin:



I  like my Gin with a very dry tonic water. I have to take a look at what I can get in Germany. But I liked them all neat as well (I‘m a neat drinker for most of my beverages).


And yeah, this was so much fun.