Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil - John Berendt

"Someday I will shoot a man!" said Serena. "God knows I already tried!" She lifted a pearl-handed revolver out of her purse and held it daintily by its chrome-plated muzzle. "Just ask my former sweetheart, Shelby Grey. I wanted like hell to shoot him! I begged him to let me do it! I didn´t want to kill him, of course. I only wanted to shoot him in the toe, just to give him something to remember me by. But the coward wouldn´t hold still! I blew a hole in the air conditioner."

"You ... shot him?" Mrs. Carter said, wide-eyed.

"I missed."

"How fortunate."

Serena sighed. "Not for dear Shelby. Now he has nothing of any permanence to remind him of my love. [...]"


LoL! This seems to be typical small talk at a party for the rich in Georgia ...