The Final Empire  - Brandon Sanderson

I decided to branch out my reading into the fantasy genre, because I used to love reading fantasy when I was younger and it´s the perfect form of escapism.


However, I didn´t like two of the fantasy books I have read over the last couple of years, either because they were too depressing (Robin Hobb´s "Assassins Apprentice") or too boring (Juliet Marilliers "The Daughter of the Forest"). The only fantasy book I loved was Scott Lynch´s "The Lies of Locke Lamora", which was absolutely amazing and which is on my list of rereads for the next year. And, of course, I love Pratchett as well.


So I have done some extensive research, which fantasy series could be for me and I decided to pick up the first book in the Mistborn series.


And I really like it so far.  The metal-based magical system is interesting, I like the characters, the plot is an intriguing one and I cannot wait to know, how the big plan is going to pan out.  


The only thing I´m a bit meh about is Sanderson´s writing style in some places and his repetitive use of words. The main character, Vin, has already done a whole lot of squirming. I hope she soon gets past this squirming phase.


Book: Read a book featuring a strong female character (or characters), by an author from any minority group, a story about a minority overcoming their oppressors, or revolving around the rights of others either being defended or abused, a book set in New York City, or a book originally written in a language other than English and / or your mother tongue or by anyone not Anglo-Saxon.