The Final Empire  - Brandon Sanderson

Oh boy, in the end I didn´t like this book very much.


The plot itself follows pretty much every fantasy trope that has ever existed, which is actually fine by me ... if it is done well! But there is just so much teenage angst / drama / "I love him/her" crap that I can stomach in a book and due to the length of this novel, everything got pretty lame and repetitive towards the end. And the writing was incredibly cheesy at times. So the idea for the story was okay, the execution, however, was poorly done. 


As you might tell, I won´t continue on with this series.


Book: Read a book featuring a strong female character (or characters), by an author from any minority group, a story about a minority overcoming their oppressors, or revolving around the rights of others either being defended or abused, a book set in New York City, or a book originally written in a language other than English and / or your mother tongue or by anyone not Anglo-Saxon.