Into the Drowning Deep - Mira Grant, Christine Lakin

I didn´t get much reading done the last two days, because I was in Hamburg, being part of the huge musical choir for the Martin Luther King musical. It´s been a whole lot of fun, but now I´m exhausted. So my plan for today is to take a walk at the Wadden Sea, catching up on your posts and, of course, to do a whole lot of reading.


I started my day off with another hour of listening to Into the Drowning Deep and during this hour the book turned towards "you´ve got to be kidding me" territory. Which was bound to happen, because all the characters are idiots.

This particular scene caused me to do a lot of eye rolling and headshaking: 


One character has already been eaten by the mermaids, so everyone is aware that mermaids are around and they know that those mermaids are predators. This doesn´t stop two of the characters to throw a rope down to a "person", who is clinging to the side of the ship, in order to rescue said "person".

Honestly, these characters can jump over board voluntarily for all I care. The book would be over a lot faster that way.  

(show spoiler)


All of the characters, despite them being scientist, are basically able to do this:



I can only take a certain amount of sheer stupidity. And the crew is about to send out dolphins for a first contact mission and since my guess is that these dolphins will end up as mermaid fodder, I´m calling it quits right now.


DNF at 50%.